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Clark’s Lock & Safe

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#1 Milton Locksmiths

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Need new door locks for your home or office?

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Need A Safe?

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Clark’s Lock and Safe is a local Milton locksmith company serving Milton and the surrounding areas since 1982. We serve all of the Escambia and Santa-rosa counties, including Milton, Pensacola, Pace, Gulf Breeze, and Navarre.

Licensed, bonded and insured, we are a member of the Associated Locksmith of America. 

We also believe in giving back to our communities. Our team belongs and contributes to such local organizations as the Pensacola Area Chamber of Commerce, The Rotary, etc. 

Thank you for choosing Clark’s Lock and Safe. We look forward to working with you.

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Our residential services range from home lockouts to new locks. Whatever your household needs may be, we can get the job done!

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Our team of experienced and licensed commercial locksmiths are here for you when you need to secure your business or commercial premises.

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Are you locked out of your car, pickup truck, or SUV? Has your car key broken while turning on the ignition? Have you lost your car’s remote keyless entry ?

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Whether you need help to unlock your car or home, duplicate keys or change locks or need a full security system installation for your home or office, you are in the right place.

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Providing the design, installation, and maintenance of security systems that give you perfect control to secure your building, tenants, employees and guests.

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We handle a variety of door hardware and security products to meet all your home and business security needs. Come visit our showrooms or connect to our online store!

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Get More Information And Prices From Our Experts!

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Our companies have been doing business with Pensacola Lock& Safe for several years now, and we always receive excellent service, whether scheduling a property lock change-out or calling for an emergency door-opening. The staff is friendly and reliable and the business does excellent work at fair prices. Thanks to all our friends at Clark’s Lock and Safe for taking such good care of us here at Tartan Construction and Tartan Properties. 🙂

[/testimonial] [gap height=”20px”] [testimonial image=”9149″ image_width=”121″ pos=”center” name=”Fortice Institute of Technology”]

The school has been using Clark’s Lock and Safe for over three years and counting. We have been nothing but pleased with the services that they have provided us. Their employees are not only professional but friendly and willing to do what it takes to meet our needs. They go above and beyond to get the job done. The school highly recommends Clark’s Lock and Safe’s services.

[/testimonial] [gap height=”20px”] [testimonial image=”9150″ image_width=”121″ pos=”center” name=”Julie” company=”Our Customer”]

JME Vacations has used Clark’s Lock and Safe for the past 11 years on Navarre Beach. Bobby Da Lock with Clark’s Lock and Safe has been one of the most professional, punctual, impressive locksmiths’ we have ever dealt with. When I call them with a problem, they are always out here the same day. I always recommend them to friends and family as well. You can’t ever go wrong with them.

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